Friday, March 8, 2019

Stay Tuned! More to Come

By the time I was all set up for my Two Day Craft Crop to Aid Refugees last night, I was pretty much done in, especially after pulling a few almost all nighters trying to get ready for the event. But it looks pretty good down at the church lobby which is SUCH a great venue for a crop!! I'm so excited.

So much natural light! And the overhead light isn't bad either!  Our cook is all ready to go with some simple but hearty good meals! (Good old Mennonite cooking!) And these are the Make & Take projects we'll be completing over the two days:

There are some great door prizes and goodie bags!  And treat containers:

So all is in readiness and I promise I'll take pictures and show you more on Monday! Gotta go slip into oblivion now!!


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